11 科学研究
发布人:管理员 发布时间:2022-12-09


1)  主持国防预研项目“复杂XX系统的管理与控制”,(120万元,2001-2005年);

2)  主持国防预研项目“混沌保密通信技术研究”,(85万元,2001-2005年);

3)  主持国家自然基金面上项目“信息隐藏的优化模型及其应用研究”,项目编号“60374066”,(23万元,2004-2006年);

4)  主持兵器装备集团望江机器厂委托横向合作课题“随动系统综合测试系统研制”,(156万元,2006-2007年);

5)  主持国防基础研究项目“智能XX技术基础研究”,(120万元,2006-2007年);

6)  主持国防预研项目“对高机动目标XX理论与技术研究,(120万元,2006-2010年);

7)  主持国防预研项目”无人化XX平台技术“,(150万元,2006-2010年);

8)  主持中国兵器工业集团207研究所委托横向合作课题”压制XX随动试验台“,(80万,2009-2010年);

9)  主持中国信息安全测评中心“115”基金项目”数字图像隐写XX研究“,(50万元,2010-2011年);












1) Yuewei Dai,Thiemert Stefan, Steinebach Martin. Feature-based watermarking scheme for MPEG-I/II video authentication. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI. Vol.5306. 325—335. 2004

2) Guangjie Liu,Yuewei Dai, Zhiquan Wang    . Breaking predictive-coding-based steganography and modification for enhanced security. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 144—149. 2006

3) Huawang Qin, Yuewei Dai, Zhiquan Wang. A secret sharing scheme based on (t, n) threshold and adversary structure. International Journal of Information Security. Vol.8, No.5. 379—385. 2009

4) Bo Xu,Junwen Wang,Guangjie Liu,Yuewei Dai. Photorealistic computer graphics forensics based on leading digit law. Journal of Electronics (China). Vol.28, No.1. 95—100. 2011

5) Guangjie Liu,Jiangtao Zhai,Yuewei Dai. Network covert timing channel with distribution matching.  Telecommunication Systems. Vol.49, No.2. 199—205. 2012

6) Guangjie Liu,Weiwei Liu,Yuewei Dai,Shiguo Lian. Adaptive steganography based on block complexity and matrix embedding. Multimedia systems. Vol.20, No.2. 227—238. 2014

7) Zhiyong Su,Lang Zhou,Guangjie Liu,Jianshou Kong,Yuewei Dai. Authenticating topological integrity of process plant models through digital watermarking. Multimedia tools and applications. Vol.73, No.3. 1687—1707. 2014

8) Guangjie Liu,Weiwei Yang,Weiwei Liu,Yuewei Dai. Designing S-boxes based on 3-D four-wing autonomous chaotic system. Nonlinear dynamics. Vol.82, No.4. 1867—1877. 2015

9) Weiwei Liu,Guangjie Liu,Yuewei Dai. Damage-resistance matrix embedding framework: the contradiction between robustness and embedding efficiency. Security and Communication Networks. Vol.8, No.9. 1636—1647. 2015

10) Weiwei Liu,Guangjie Liu,Yuewei Dai. Matrix embedding in multicast steganography: analysis in privacy, security and immediacy     Security and Communication Networks. Vol.9, No.8 . 791—802. 2016

11) Zhiyong Su,Lang Zhou,Yaobin Mao,Yuewei Dai,Weiqing Tang. A unified framework for authenticating topology integrity of 2D heterogeneous engineering CAD drawings. Multimedia Tools and Applications. Vol.76, No.20. 20663—20689. 2017

12) Lu Liu,Liang Shan,Chao Jiang,Yuewei Dai,Chenglin Liu,Zhidong Qi. Parameter identification of the fractional-order systemsbased on a modified PSO algorithm. Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)       Vol.34, No.1. 6-14. 2018

13) Pengcheng Cao,Weiwei Liu,Guangjie Liu,Xiaopeng Ji,Jiangtao Zhai,Yuewei Dai. A wireless covert channel based on constellation shaping modulation. Security and Communication Networks. Vol.2018. 1-15. 2018

14)  Huawang Qin,Tso Raylin,Yuewei Dai. Three-party quantum secret sharing based on phase shift operation. Modern Physics Letters B. Vol.32, No.18. 185-197. 2018

15) Yuewei Dai,Weiwei Liu,Guangjie Liu,Xiaopeng Ji,Jiangtao Zhai,An End-to-End Generative Network for Environmental Sound-based Covert Communication,Multimedia Tools and Applications (ISSN: 1380-7501), vol.78, no.7.P8635-8653. 2019.

16) Wen Tian,Xiaopeng Ji,Weiwei Liu,Jiangtao Zhai,Guangjie Liu,Yuewei Dai,Shuhua Huang. Honeypot game-theoretical model for defending against APT attacks with limited resources in cyber-physical systems.  ETRI Journal. vol.41, no.5. 585—598. 2019

17) Wen Tian,Xiaopeng Ji,Weiwei Liu,Guangjie Liu,Rong Lin,Jiangtao Zhai,Yuewei Dai    Defense strategies against network attacks in cyber-physical systems with analysis cost constraint based on honeypot game model     Comput.  Mater. Continua. vol.60,no.1. 193—211. 2019

18) Weiwei Liu,Guangjie Liu,Xiaopeng Ji,Jiangtao Zhai,Yuewei Dai. Designing Rich-Secure Network Covert Timing Channels Based on Nested Lattices. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS). vol.13, no.4. 1866—1883. 2019

19) Shuhua Huang,Xiaogeng Hou,Weiwei Liu,Guangjie Liu,Yuewei Dai,Wen Tian. Mimicking ship-radiated noise with chaos signal for covert underwater acoustic communication        . IEEE Access. vol.8. 180341—180351.  2020

20) Lu Chang,Liang Shan,Chao Jiang,Yuewei Dai. Reinforcement based mobile robot path planning with improved dynamic window approach in unknown environment. Autonomous Robots. vol.45. 51—76. 2021

21) Wen Tian,Miao Du,Xiaopeng Ji,Guangjie Liu,Yuewei Dai,Zhu Han. Contract-based incentive mechanisms for honeypot defense in advanced metering infrastructure. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. vol.12, No.5.  4259-4268. 2021

22) Luhui Yang,Guangjie Liu,Jinwei Wang,Huiwen Bai,Jiangtao Zhai,Yuewei Dai. Fast3DS: A real-time full-convolutional malicious domain name detection system. Journal of Information Security and Applications.  Vol.61. 1029-1033. 2021

23) Zhuheng Lu,Weiwei Mao,Yuewei Dai,Weiqing Li,Zhiyong Su. Slicing-Tracking-Detection: Simultaneous Multi-Cylinder Detection from Large-scale and Complex Point Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics     . 2021

24) Huilin Ge,Zhiyu Zhu,Yuewei Dai,Biao Wang,Xuedong Wu. Facial expression recognition based on deep learning. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Vol.215. 345-356. 2022

25)  刘光杰,戴跃伟,王金伟,王执铨。随机调制隐写中的噪声同步分析,《控制与决策》,第21卷第5期,572-575页,579页,2006。

26)  鲍鸣, 戴跃伟, 孔建寿, 邹云。 基于ADC的信息系统生存能力评价,《信息与控制》,第37卷第6期,       751-756页,2008。

27)  戴跃伟, 刘光杰, 叶曙光。基于Hilbert填充曲线的自适应隐写,《电子学报》,第36卷第12A期,35-38页,2008。

28)  王俊文, 刘光杰, 张湛, 戴跃伟, 王执铨。图像区域复制篡改快速鲁棒取证,《自动化学报》,第35卷第12期,1488-1495页,2009。

29)  鲍鸣, 戴跃伟, 孔建寿, 邹云。考虑预防性维修的ADC效能评估模型,《控制理论与应用》,第27卷第9期,1166-1170页,2010。

30)  张湛, 刘光杰, 王俊文, 戴跃伟, 王执铨。基于图像高阶MARKOV链模型的扩频隐写分析,《电子学报》   ,第38卷第11期,2578-2584页,2010。

31)  张玉珍, 丁思捷, 王建宇, 戴跃伟, 陈钱。基于HMM的融合多模态的事件检测,《系统仿真学报》, 第24卷第8期,1638-1642页,2012。

32)  王彪, 李超, 戴跃伟。基于空域压缩采样的水声目标DOA估计方法,《兵工学报》,第34卷第11期, 1479-1483页,2013。

33)  刘璐, 单梁, 戴跃伟, 戚志东。非线性动态自适应旋转角的量子菌群算法,《控制与决策》,第32卷第12期,2137-2144页,2017。

34)  王彪, 方涛, 戴跃伟,时间反转滤波器组多载波水声通信方法,《声学学报》,第45卷第1期,38-44页,2020。

35)  戴跃伟, 刘光杰, 曹鹏程, 刘伟伟, 翟江涛。无线隐蔽通信研究综述,《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》,第12卷第1期,45-56页,2020。



1) 汪小帆,戴跃伟,茅耀斌,《信息隐藏技术-方法与应用》,机械工业出版社,2001年5月;

2) 林嵘,孙金生,秦华旺,戴跃伟,《数据转换与接口技术》,东南大学出版社,2004年12月;

3) 侯晓霞,王建宇,戴跃伟,《微型计算机原理及应用》(第二版),化学工业出版社,2019年1月;

4) 刘光杰,刘伟伟,戴跃伟,《数字隐写编码理论与方法》,清华大学出版社,2020年02月。